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Worthy Aura Mist

Worthy Aura Mist


The Truth is we come into this life whole + fully embodied in our self + divine worth, lacking nothing. But through our human experience our worth can be chipped away at with self doubt that we are worthy or worth it. Then we block out parts of ourselves + our lives because maybe we don’t feel we deserve certain things. Like love, happiness, money, rest, fun!


This aura mist helps us to connect into + embody our divine worthy wholeness 🤍 so we can open up freely to give + receive the things we want in life. Because we are worth it 🦋




2 oz




Rose quartz, red jasper, orange jasper, Vesuvianite, evening primrose flowers, fuschia flowers, organic oils of jasmine, rose, patchouli, frankincense + Palo Santo











*These statements and products have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. If you have a health concern or condition, consult a physician. Always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet, using any new product, drug, supplement, or doing any new exercises.

Worthy Aura Mist


    The Scarlet Halo

    Rituals for Everyday Healing

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