Penny Chabot's Modalities
~ Holistic health practitioner
~ Herbalist
~ Esthetician
~ Witch
"Ever since I was a little girl, I have been engulfed in all things wild + magical. Whether I was connecting with nature, making my own potions in the back yard, or communicating through my extra senses, it is what has steered my life's path.
I started hitching a ride+ spending any time I could at a little metaphysical shop in town. It was like walking into a world that I belonged in for the first time. I absorbed all I could in there + it ignited my path of seeking the truth + healing on all levels.
This left me dreaming of creating my own space one day for all walks of life to come + be exactly as they are. Leaving feeling better than when they came.
I created my own personal one on one practice of energy work + other healing modalities over the last 20 years, which is where my gifts came alive.
I continued to bob + weave through the lessons + pains of life + faced many aspects of myself + others that lead me to create my own healing remedies through my own obstacles.
This is how The Scarlet Halo rose from the ashes.
The Phoenix, the misfits, the magic makers, the creators, the rebels, the artists, the seers, the truth tellers.
The Scarlet Halo is more of a movement than a store so to speak. I am here to help people empower themselves. To turn their pain into their power + to reach all their senses physically, emotionally, mentally + spiritually.
To find balance, to evolve, to expand + integrate into our own wholeness, individually + together."
We look forward to connecting with you.
Many Blessings,
~ Penny Chabot - owner